
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Tips for Foreigners visiting India

Tips for Foreigners visiting India : 

1.Water : Always drink packaged drinking water , be it mineral water or sprinkled water.
The thing is you might get your stomach upset even if your immunity system is great but can not intake hard water.

Some of my few friends who visited India from USA also tried to avoid taking ice cubes with their drinks because they thought It might also be made from Hard water or might cause them discomfort,It sounded funny to me but later on realized it was a good idea.

2.Mosquito repellent : If you are a traveler and intend to go hiking or mountaineering or visit any of the wild life sanctuaries , always carry a mosquito repellent gel or spray or what ever suits your body .

3.Mobile Sim : All the airports have mobile sim card sellers stationed with in the reception area , just buy anyone you think suits your duration of stay.Matrix sim are little costly.Sim cards can also be made available by most of the high end Hotels you would intend to stay with. Airtel , Vodafone and Jio are Major carriers with almost connectivity all over India.

4.Salts : Humidity levels are high if you are visiting coastal parts of India and It also depends on how your body reacts to the changing humidity levels.So its always better to have good intake of salts and water.Also depends on climatic conditions at your time of visit in India.

PS : This is work In progress , I will keep on updating this.

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